Terms and conditions

Using this website, accessing it, viewing it or visiting it, indicates that the person concerned (who accesses the website), has understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions, as a legal equivalent of a written and signed contract, offering you in this agreement on these terms and conditions. As a visitor and therefore a user of the website you agree to comply with these rules and you will be exclusively responsible for everything you undertake in relation to it.
Contract – the purchase contract or other contract governed by applicable law, in which the parties are, the consumer on one side and the seller on the other side. A contract can only be concluded upon request, in the rest of the sales-purchase situations, the tax invoice replaces the contract;
The seller (website) – a person who, in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions, concludes trade acts or other acts of a commercial nature. Is a natural or legal person who, directly or through other natural or legal persons, delivers goods and/or services to the consumer;
Consumer (buyer) – a person who, in accordance with the (contractual) terms and conditions, concludes acts that are not of a commercial nature. Is a natural or legal person who buys goods or services, for purposes other than commercial;
Distributor/Supplier – a person who, in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions, concludes acts of a commercial nature;
Completion of the purchase contract – The order placed by the buyer is an act with legal effects, subject to confirmation and acceptance of the order by the seller. From the moment the seller accepts the order between the parties, a collaboration with legal effects and with rights and obligations for both parties, as defined in the terms and conditions mentioned on the website, or in the general business conditions;
Terms and Conditions – the contractual understanding between the seller and the buyer in accordance with the terms and conditions shown in this section. The buyer accepts the terms in which the collaboration is concluded at the time of submitting the order, an order that generates legal effects from the moment the purchase is completed. The buyer undertakes to take note of these conditions, conditions which he is considered to have accepted from the moment of sending the order to the seller. Cancellation of the contract/order/invoice can be done in accordance with the legal provisions for distance contracts/orders.
We reserve the right to modify the structure, content and services offered at any time or to suspend its operation with or without prior notice. The rules of use of the website can be changed at any time, without prior notice to the users, and since these rules are always accessible on the website, it is your responsibility to know and respect them.
We reserve the right to establish additional rules within certain services of the website that will be considered an integral part of the general conditions of use of the website. If you do not agree with the changes and no longer want to be a subscriber, or simply at some point you want to give up this quality, you will need to notify us by email in order to delete you from the database data. These rules determine how users can use the website, and the relationships or possible problems that may arise are governed by the laws applicable in Romania.
The relationship between the parties is governed by the Romanian Law on Consumer Protection (Law 363/2007), the Electronic Commerce Law (Law 365/2002) and the Emergency Ordinance on Consumer Rights in Contracts with Professionals, as well as for amending and supplementing certain documents regulations (OG no. 34/2014).
By using the website you agree to comply with the following rules regarding its content: it is forbidden to broadcast defamatory, threatening, vulgar, obscene, racially hateful, malicious, inaccurate, or in any way contrary to the law messages , both in the forum and in any other place on the website; it is forbidden to use the information provided by other members to obtain material benefits or for commercial purposes; it is forbidden to gather/collect personal data about other members of the website; it is forbidden to use the information on the website for commercial purposes, except in cases where you have our prior written consent; it is prohibited to post, upload or transmit in any way on the website illegal materials or materials that do not comply with copyright law, trademark law or other property rights; it is forbidden to use the website for the purpose of promoting illegal activities, or providing information related to illegal activities; it is forbidden to use the website for posting or transmitting advertising, promotional, “spam” messages; it is forbidden to pretend to be another person or represent another institution; or falsely claim affiliation with a person or institution; we reserve the right to use on this website the images and texts posted by the members of this website on the website.
Visitors or members of the website have no right to take, sell, reproduce or distribute materials from the website.
We do not warrant: that the information contained is fully complete or accurate; that the information entered by website users is real, correct and does not assume responsibility for the way visitors use it; that the information, products or services on the site will satisfy all the requirements of the visitors, and for their inappropriate use the visitors assume full responsibility; we assume no responsibility for the results obtained by visitors as a result of the use of information or services and products; the use of information, services and products from the website is at your own risk; that the services, products or information on the website will work constantly, without interruption or without errors; we do not assume responsibility for any damages that visitors may have due to the temporary or defective functioning of the website or for the use of information obtained by using links from the website to other websites (their use is at the discretion of the visitors) .

You agree to the following: the operators, administrators and/or owners of the website are in no way responsible for their relationships or consequences resulting from, but not limited to, purchases, participation in contests, promotions, promotions, or any other type of relationship/connection/transaction/collaboration/etc. that may arise between you and anyone who promotes directly or indirectly through us. Its operators, administrators and/or owners cannot be held materially or in any other way, directly or indirectly, responsible for the aforementioned.
Any dispute arising between the Customers and the Supplier will be resolved amicably. In the event that the conflict was not resolved amicably, the competence rests with the competent courts in Romania. Notification will be made by email.
Any attempt to access the personal data of another user or to modify the content of the website, or to affect the performance of the server on which the website runs will be considered an attempt to defraud and will lead to criminal investigation against the person or those who (u) tried this fact.
The content of this website, images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphic elements, scripts, programs, logos, databases including other types of content, are protected by international laws and treaties regarding the protection of copyright, as well as by other intellectual property laws and treaties. The content of the pages of this website will not be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the owner, except for storing on the user’s personal computer and printing extracts from the pages of this website website exclusively for personal use. This type of information cannot be used on any other website, different from this website, without the prior written consent of the owner. Notifications of copyright infringement can be sent to the email address.
In the event that prices or other product details have been displayed incorrectly, including because they have been incorrectly entered into the database, we reserve the right to CANCEL orders containing these products and notify the customer as soon as possible. time about the error that occurred. Any other problem caused by the products and services presented on the website and which is not already dealt with by any article in this document, will be resolved amicably within 30 working days from the date of the written notification of the problems by the user .
For a free internal conciliation, the referral will be sent by email. If the conflict has not been resolved amicably, the competence rests with the Romanian courts or an alternative dispute resolution body agreed by both parties. By agreeing and accepting these Terms and Conditions of Use of the website, the customer fully assumes the consequences arising from the use of the website under these conditions. The maximum amount of damages that can be paid against any customer is the amount collected from that customer.
The person responsible for making an online order: The customer declares that he is aware of and fully agrees with the above. For any non-compliance with this set of rules, observation, complaint or problem related to the website, please write to us at the email address.

Company: Rom Weld Industries Srl
CUI: 41727996 
Address: J40/9987/2013  

© Romweld